High School Internships – Summer 2024
San Diego SciTech and EIS are excited to share some wonderful local internships for San Diego County high school students.
As high school students eagerly anticipate their upcoming internships, there is a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air. These internships are a crucial moment in their academic journey, offering them a glimpse into the professional world, and a chance to apply classroom knowledge to real-life scenarios. Whether they are shadowing professionals in their field of interest, gaining hands-on experience in a chosen industry, or simply exploring potential career paths, these internships serve as invaluable stepping stones toward future success!
EIS Funding Internship Details:
- All internships are paid at least $2500 in stipends upon completion
- Please note that students will need a Resume and School Grade Transcript.
*SDSciTech and EIS can help with the Resume if students do not have one. We will also help make sure students get paid in case funding is low.

Outreach Program for Advancing Learning in STEM (OPALS)
Summer 2024 | July 8 – August 4
Engineering in Medicine
La Jolla – UCSD
EIS Funding Enrollment Deadline – March 29th
OPALS high school internship program is proud to provide pre-college students with hands-on experience in STEM. Each intern will have the opportunity to interact with researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students engaged in research at the interfaces of engineering and medical science. Interns will learn the scientific background to the research, observe or assist UC San Diego researchers and students in performing experiments, learn to analyze experimental data and present a research talk or poster at the end of the internship.
Full Internship Details – click here
The Program Fee is $2000 but will be waived if applying through the Elementary Institute of Science. We also offer a $2500 stipend upon completion of the program and providing a written Report.
DO NOT Apply through the UCSD website until you are approved by us if you are looking for the monetary benefits.

Scripps Translational Research Internship
Summer 2024 | June 3 – August 9
Cutting Edge Personalized Medicine
La Jolla – Scripps
EIS Funding Enrollment Deadline – March 30th
The Scripps Research Translational Institute (SRTI) promotes cutting-edge translational research, focused on personalized health care through the genomic, proteomic and metabolomic correlates of health and disease. We additionally seek to advance personalized medicine through research incorporating mobile health (mHealth) monitoring of individuals’ symptoms and physiology.
Full Internship Details – click here
There may be funding available from Scripps, but the Elementary Institute of Science will guarantee a total of $2500 stipend upon completion of the program and providing a written Report. Make sure you fill out the EIS Funding Enrollment Form so we can put you on our list for receiving the stipend.

Scripps Summer High School Internship
Summer 2024 | June 24 to August 9
Biomed Research
La Jolla – Scripps
EIS Funding Enrollment Deadline – April 19th
Scripps Research’s High School Student Research Education Program exposes students to contemporary issues in biomedical research and provides hands-on laboratory experience and mentorship. It is committed to increasing the number of talented students who choose a career in the biological and chemical sciences, particularly first-generation college-bound students and students from groups that are underrepresented in science.
Full Internship Details – click here
There may be funding available from Scripps, but the Elementary Institute of Science will guarantee a total of $2500 stipend upon completion of the program and providing a written Report. Make sure you fill out the EIS Funding Enrollment Form form so we can put you on our list for receiving the stipend.