On January 27th, EIS hosted Our Genetic Legacy for their Ghana Mapping Event! Our Genetic Legacy (OGL) shared details about their recent trip to Ghana and about connecting with local Ghanaian students for their mapping mission. Some of EIS’s Girls Take Flight alumna also attended the event and shared their experience of being in Ghana. They talked about the research and drone data they collected in learning about historical events, their Letters to the Ancestors, and the lifelong friendships they made.
San Diego SciTech is thrilled to see our Girls Take Flight alumna continuing to expand their drone experiences with other organizations like Our Genetic Legacy and it’s founder Shellie Baxter!
📸Photo Context:
- Aklesia is the GTF alumna presenting at the podium about her Museum Exhibit proposal “Enslaved Women’s Resistance”
- The three GTF alumna in front of the “Ghana Mapping Event” sign are, in order, Aklesia, Shyanne, and Luxary
- Table of several of the drones used for the mapping mission in Ghana
- Our Genetic Legacy founder, Shellie Baxter, poses with the “Welcome” sign
View event photos below.